No one else can do your inner work for you but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone

Asking for help is a sign of strength.

Admitting you can’t do everything on your own, is the first step toward achieving well-being in a fast-paced, demanding world.

When we dig deep and ‘style the inside‘ of our lives with curiosity, mindfulness, and compassion we can increase our sense of meaning, connection, well-being, and purpose” -Jamie Dunlop Khau RTC, CMT-P, ECE

Therapeutic offerings

Virtual Counselling

From children, adolescents, parents, caregivers, and individuals, I work with a range of clients that present a variety of unique circumstances.

During our initial meeting we will discuss your specific areas of concern as well as assess if we are the right client/counsellor fit.

I offer virtual counselling services from the safety and comfort of your own home. Virtual counselling carries many of the same benefits of in-person counselling while ensuring our offerings are more accessible. Virtual sessions are 60- minutes in length through a secured online system. In addition, I offer 45-60 minute telephone therapy.

What your session looks like is up to you. My approach is client-centered and tailored to fit your needs.

Individual counselling can help with:

  • Feeling seen, heard, validated, and supported in an unbiased non-judgmental setting
  • Gaining a better and deeper understanding of yourself
  • Learning how to handle emotions and triggers
  • Identifying underlying causes of symptoms
  • Tools to overcome the specific challenges you’re facing
  • Adaptive coping strategies
  • Increased self-awareness, mindfulness & self-compassion

Mindfulness-Based Nature Therapy

Mindfulness-guided nature walking sessions can offer an increased sense of belonging and connection to ourselves, others, and our natural world. A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on our health and well-being while reducing stress and promoting healing. It is also a practice that can help with embodiment: feeling at home in your body, feeling connected to your body in a safe manner, and can aid in an increased ability to be in your body in the present moment.

This holistic approach to ‘styling the inside’ of our lives is more financially accessible when done in a group and depending on the individual, group nature therapy can be even more effective than one-to-one therapy.

  • If guided group nature walks are not something you’re comfortable with I also offer individual walk-and-talk nature therapy.

Support for Parents & Caregivers

As rewarding as parenting can be, it can also feel challenging, isolating, and overwhelming. In addition, parenting and caregiving can also activate unhealed trauma. I offer inner-child healing and conscious re-parenting techniques to help you navigate, cope and meet the challenges that come with dysregulation and triggers.

My trauma-informed, mindful and compassionate approach may help you reconnect with yourself so that you can authentically connect with the people in your care. In addition, my support is aimed at helping parents and caregivers form greater attachments with those in their care while learning how to set and teach boundaries and gain attunement skills to promote safety and emotional regulation. I also provide psychoeducation around interpersonal neurobiology and attachment theory.

Parenting and caregiving support is offered through individual virtual counseling, group workshops, retreats, and walk & talks.

Trauma-Informed Care psychoeducational workshops for Educators

It can be overwhelming meeting a counselling therapist and beginning the conversation about what you are struggling with. My goal is to make you feel understood and comfortable. For this reason, I offer a free twenty-minute consultation so we can get to know each other better and determine whether my services are a fit for you.